Wednesday 18 February 2015

What's new in Odeon's this week - Thursday 19th February 2015.

With all the new release movie hiatus that kick-started 2015, things seem to have dropped a gear now that awards season is almost done and the pressure is off until the Easter Holidays when we can expect new cinema content aimed squarely at that holiday season. Until then, we'll make do with those films Reviewed in previous weeks and still doing the rounds on general release, plus a couple of new releases out in the week ahead that in all probability won't cause a huge stir, but are likely to find an audience nonetheless.

And so we have a Directorial debut from one of America's favourite political satirists, television journalists and two time Oscar Host about an Iranian journalist caught in the proverbial cross-fire while going about his work and paying the price for it; and, Director siblings who brought us one of the most groundbreaking hyped up talked about trilogies in cinema history going back to the world of extravagant Sci-Fi that they know best.

Whatever you choose to watch in the coming week ahead. share your thoughts on Odeon Online in the Comments box immediately below this Post, or any other, and be a movie critic yourself with our ever expanding global readership! Enjoy your film!

JUPITER ASCENDING (Rated M) : Written, Produced and Directed by Andy & Lana Wachowski, who of course brought us 'The Matrix' trilogy in 1999 and then wrapped it up in 2003, have spent US$176M to bring us this foray into fast paced action packed effects laden Sci-Fi with 'Jupiter Ascending'. With a strong cast to help the proceedings this might be the draw card this films needs to give it a boost as Box Office returns have generated a below expectation US$92M faring better outside of the US so far than within it. Anyway, to the story!

Jupiter Jones (Mila Kunis) cleans upmarket houses for a living with her mother. One day she witnesses a strange phenomenon and takes a photo, but later has no recollection of doing so or what the images in the photo mean. During a minor surgical procedure the medical staff attending to her try to kill here but she is saved by Caine Wise (Channing Tatum) who turns out to be a genetically engineered ex-military fighter and hunter who has been sent from a galaxy far far away to protect and save Jupiter - although she of course has no idea why! When all is revealed it seems that Earth (and many other planets) were seeded long ago by alien royalty who act like a cosmic corporation overseeing numerous interplanetary worlds. It seems that Jupiter by genetic reincarnation is the heir to Planet Earth, but there is an alien family who have other plans for Jupiter Jones and her supposed inheritance - hence the attempt to dispense with her while undergoing surgery! This consists of the Abrasax family (the most powerful of all alien dynasties) - Balem (Eddie Redmayne), Kalique (Tuppence Middleton) and Titus (Douglas Booth) who are at odds with what to do with little old Earth when the family matriarch passes away! The struggles and challenges that ensue could change the course of the cosmos forever, unless Jupiter, with the help of Caine and various others - Stinger Apini (Sean Bean) and Diomika Tsing (Nikki Amuka-Bird) of the inter-galactic Police Force, can overcome those who will stop at nothing to have their way!

ROSEWATER (Rated M) - Jon Stewart is the political satirist, television commentator, media critic, Writer, Producer, Host of The Daily Show, two time Host of the Academy Awards, stand-up comic and now film Director - in this his first outing as such. Here he tells us the story of London based Iranian Canadian BBC journalist Maziar Buhari (Gael Garcia Bernal) who returned to Iran in 2009 to cover the unfolding Presidential elections there, and provides his media footage to foreign publications worldwide. As a result of smuggling election campaign riot footage back to the BBC  he was imprisoned for 118 days in Evin Prison northwest of Tehran where he was mostly blindfolded and harassed, tortured and beaten in isolation for his crime of spying and espionage - the work of a traitor. He was later interviewed by Stewart for the Daily Show which was seen as further evidence that he was indeed a spy and in collaboration with the US Government and the CIA. Buhari's captor and interrogator (Kim Bodnia) for the time spent in Evin Prison was distinguishable only by the smell of rosewater - hence the films title! A poignant, relevant true story deftly handled it seems by first time Director Stewart, that lays a solid foundation for future works.

That's it for this week - two films at complete opposite ends of the spectrum. Whatever you decide to see - either of these, both of these, or any of those still doing the rounds, lets us know your thoughts and share with the cinema going, movie loving film fanatics of the world.

Movies - catch one this week!

-Steve, at Odeon Online-

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