Wednesday 3 June 2015

What's new in Odeon's this week - Thursday 4th June 2015.

As the mercury falls in the thermometers across Adelaide, and the wind blows its chilling gusts straight up from Antarctica there is only one sure thing to do on a cold Winter's night (well OK then - two I guess!) and the first involves putting on a thick warm Winter coat and heading out to your local multiplex to a warm place, with a glowing light, a big screen, surround sound, a bucket of popcorn and other like minded cold weather dodgers!

And so with this excellent adventure in mind to lift the spirits, warm the heart and tickle your fancy there are two films out this week each fielding a stellar cast that are sure to be a draw card on any chilly Winter's day or night. First up there is the big screen treatment of a very successful long running small screen show of the same name featuring a bunch of mates living in and around a movie star buddy; and then there is DramedyRom set somewhere exotic where boy meets girl when the old girl resurfaces to throw the proverbial cat amongst the pigeons!

There's always plenty more great cinematic content doing the rounds than those Previewed here, and so when you have sat through your film of choice, share your thoughts, observations and opinions with your friends at Odeon Online by leaving a Comment below this or any other Post. See you at the movies!

ENTOURAGE (Rated MA15+) - Written, Produced and Directed by Doug Ellin who also created the award winning hit series of the same name which ran for eight seasons up to 2011, the film 'Entourage' reunites the same cast and continues where the series left off. Executive Produced by Mark Wahlberg upon whose early Hollywood career the series is/was based, the film continues to chart the life of movie star Vincent Chase (Adrian Grenier) and his entourage of close friends. Ari Gold (Jeremy Piven) is the new head of a movie studio who agrees to bank roll Vincent's film debut as Director for a budget of $100M, but when that film goes $15M over budget Ari needs to go and convince Texan billionaire Larsen McCredle (Billy Bob Thornton) and his son Travis (Hayley Joel Osment) to part company with the funds with which to complete the production.

Vincent and his 'bros' continue to live the high life and live it large every day as Eric (Kevin Connolly), Turtle (Jerry Ferrara) and Drama (Kevin Dillon) take full advantage of Vincent and his trappings of success, while navigating their own little personal crises aided by the likes of Alan Dale, Kid Cudi and Martin Landau. The film also sports a huge array of cameo appearances including Warren Buffet, Jessica Alba, Gary Busey, Kelsey Grammar, Armie Hammer, Piers Morgan, Liam Neeson, Ed O'Neill, George Takei, Pharrell Williams and Mark Wahlberg of course all starring as themselves. Made for just US$30M it should easily recover that sum based on the success of the TV series alone!

ALOHA (Rated PG) - Written, Produced and Directed by Cameron Crowe for US$37M and with an all-star cast set amidst the back drop of Hawaii this dramatic comedy romance sees our hero of the piece and defence contractor Brian Gilcrest (Bradley Cooper), returning to the place where he enjoyed his most successful career work as part of the US Space Programme. In doing so he is attracted to his hard nosed tough as nails watchdog assigned to look after him  - Captain Allison Ng (Emma Stone), but it's not long before Gilcrest meets up with former love interest Tracy Woodside (Rachael McAdams) and things begin to go a little haywire there on in. Also starring Bill Murray, Danny McBride and Liam Neeson with the tropical Hawaiian background this is likely to be on for the followers of the genre only! Bradley Cooper meanwhile looks as though he has stepped straight off the set of 'American Sniper' . . . perhaps he did!

That's it then for this week, but if you have the time, you may want to catch the 2015 Sydney Film Festival too starting on 3rd June with the opening night world premier of 'Ruben Gutherie' - Brendan Cowell's Directorial debut starring Patrick Brammall, Alex Dimitriades, Abbey Lee, Robyn Nevin and Jack Thompson - and described as "a hilarious, bittersweet love letter to Sydney, a beautiful city with a dark side". For the full details of what's screening, what's in competition, what to see when & where, and a synopsis of every film showing go to the website at :

Enjoy the movies, and see as many as you can!

-Steve, at Odeon Online-

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