'THE OLD GUARD' is an American superhero film (but not as we know it!) Directed by Gina Prince-Bythewood the American film-maker, Writer and occasional Producer whose previous directorial outings take in 'Love & Basketball' in 2000, 'The Secret Life of Bees' in 2008 and 'Beyond the Lights' in 2014. This film is based on the 2017 comic book of the same name by Greg Rucka, is Co-Produced by its lead star Charlize Theron, cost in the region of US$70M to produce and has garnered generally positive Reviews so far.

In the meantime in Afghanistan, while on active duty US Marine Nile Freeman (KiKi Layne) while leading a small squad of female soldiers to infiltrate a hiding target and return him alive shoots her target twice in the chest after he shot at her. Trying to lend medical aid, her target in his last dying breaths slices at her throat with a concealed blade. Presumed dead, she soon thereafter in a medical tent, recovers without any physical signs of injury much to the bewilderment of her entire unit, and herself. The four board a train carriage to get them out of South Sudan and while napping, they together with Freeman, all share the same dream, so alerting the four to the presence of a new fresh young immortal. Despite their weariness from their last mission, Andy jumps the train and goes off in search of Freeman which Nicky had drawn a pencil likeness of from his dreams memory, her army regiment badge and other snippets of information that they could recall from their shared yet separate dream experience.
In London, Copley brings the evidence of the fours immortality to Steven Merrick (Harry Melling) the youngest CEO of a big pharmaceutical company touting a groundbreaking cancer busting drug and with it the means to prolong life for decades, and his head Researcher Dr. Meta Kozak (Anamaria Marinca). Merrick is very excited about what he sees on the recording from Copley and considers this his one way ticket to furthering his research into immortality and prolonging life for all, and therefore adding sizeably to his already massive profits. He sends his own private army to locate the four, capture them and bring them in so that he can conduct his own experiments into their abilities, and ultimately get well ahead of the competition.
Andy extracts Freeman, needing to shoot her in the head first (from which she quickly recovers), and then they board a flight in which Freeman goes head to head and toe to toe in a fist fight mid-flight with Andy because she cannot comprehend the enormity of what is happening to her. When Andy overpowers her by breaking her leg and her arm, and then witnessing her self healing powers for the first time, she relents and begins to listen to reason. Andy takes Freeman to a small abandoned church about fifty miles outside of Paris, France, where the other three are all lying low. There she asks how old each of them are and they all respond with their own stories, except Andy who will not divulge just how old she is, except that she is very old.
They tell Freeman the story of Quynh (Van Veronica Ngo) - the first of Andy's comrades who fought together many centuries ago who was later captured by priests and accused of witchcraft and sorcery, taken from Andy and buried alive in an iron maiden coffin somewhere at sea where she has been continually drowning for the past five hundred years. The group also tell her that they are not truly immortal, and that their self healing abilities can cease at anytime without warning.

Finding Copley at a residence in Surrey, England, the three all prepare to raid the home and confront Copley. Freeman however, declines choosing to visit her family instead of accepting her destiny which is to outlive all of her family, friends and loved ones. Andy and Booker confront Copley in his home. Booker shoots Copley in her lower side putting his case forward for doing so so that Merrick can bring an end to their immortality through his research. Merrick's henchmen arrive en masse and disarm Andy and Booker who has now come to realise that Andy's bullet wound is not healing. Copley's mindset changes when he learns that Merrick is prepared to torture the four of them for as long as it takes to advance his studies of them. Freeman realises as she is about to board a train, that Booker had sold the group out and rocks up to Copley's house after the horse has bolted. She does however, convince him to aid her in their rescue mission to Merrick's HQ in the city of London, where the four are now being experimented on.
Copley, using his card access to gain entry into Merrick's HQ, enters an unmonitored part of the building with Freeman. She then tells him to turn back because it's all too dangerous for him to be around, and no matter what the consequences are she'll be walking out of there regardless. After a shoot out Freeman rescues the bound four immortals who ultimately take out all of Merrick's heavily armed security force while protecting Andy from any further injuries.
Merrick meanwhile has made a quick exit, or so it seems, in a lift. The others give chase leaving Andy and Freeman to pause for a moment in reflection. Merrick shows up wielding a gun at them both. Through some quick thinking Merrick is disabled, has Andy's double edged curved battle axe impaled in his neck and is catapulted with Freeman through the already smashed window of the penthouse suite multiple storeys above the street, into the roof of a car parked below. Needless to say Merrick is very dead, and Freeman is a twisted contorted blood-soaked mess of a woman who quickly self heals and walks out of the wreckage.
Meeting in a London Pub on the banks of the River Thames, Andy, Joe, Nicky and Freeman discuss what level of punishment to bestow upon Booker for his act of betrayal, while Booker stands on the rivers edge outside pondering his fate. Andy emerges and says that he is forbidden from contacting the others for the next one hundred years and to meet with them all again on this day one hundred years from now. Booker and Andy embrace and he tells her that he is unlikely to see her again for fear that she will inevitably succumb to any future life threatening injury now. As she walks away having bid her farewell, she replies, 'have faith!'. Soon afterwards the four meet with Copley who tells them how he was able to track them down piecing together historical records, old photos, newspaper articles and snippets of information gathered from all over the place. He also tells them how their missions in the past had a far more positive and often worldwide reaching beneficial impact than they ever could have imagined. This gives the group a renewed faith and focus in their mission as Andy tells Copley that from this point forward he will keep their existence a secret, wiping all records and accounts of their pursuits from all sources, to which he replies that he'll 'be honoured'.
Six months later, and a very drunken Booker is stumbling as he returns to his apartment in Paris. Upon entering he is surprised and shocked to see Quynh staring back at him, smiling, saying 'it's nice to finally meet you!'

'The Old Guard' merits four claps of the Odeon Online clapperboard, from a possible five claps.
-Steve, at Odeon Online-
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